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​Acceleware announces successful field test of prototype RF converter

JWN · Nov. 14, 2019 Acceleware Ltd. says it has successfully completed the largest assessment to-date of its prototype radio frequency converter, an important milestone in the commercialization process for its RF XL oilsands extraction technology.


The field test results confirm design requirements and clear the path for deployment of the complete converter at the company’s commercial-scale RF XL test location, chief scientist Michal Okoniewski said in a statement.

Acceleware believes the electrically-driven, waterless technology will transform heavy oil and oilsands production once commercialized.

The company said that positive test results demonstrate the synergies realized by incorporating prototype partner GE’s proprietary high-efficiency silicon carbide technology with the capabilities inherent in the RF XL technology.

Acceleware said that during testing:

  1. 150 kW of power was successfully injected into a simulated “ditch-test’ reservoir, a 75% increase over maximum power levels injected in previously completed field tests.

  2. Converter efficiency was consistent with design expectations and demonstrated that the overall efficiency of the commercial-scale converter will exceed 97%, a critical requirement in ensuring RF XL’s successful economic and GHG-reduction performance.

  3. The converter demonstrated "seamless adaptability" to a wide range of load impedance levels throughout the test, confirming its ability to perform under a variety of operating conditions.

In summer 2018 Acceleware announced a partnership with Prosper Petroleum to test RF-XL at the company’s proposed Rigel SAGD project site north of Fort McMurray.

The application to proceed with this test is awaiting regulatory approval, the timing of which remains uncertain, Acceleware said on Wednesday.

To accelerate the timeline of the test, the company said it is continuing to speak with several interested producers regarding potential test sites and partnerships.

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